Determination on Degradation Condition of Phytic Acid in Rice Bran Fermented by Bacillus Natto 纳豆芽孢杆菌发酵米糠中植酸降解的测定
Determining phytic acid in soybean samples with ion chromatography with an eluent in low acidity 低酸度淋洗离子色谱法测定大豆中的植酸
Study on Bipyridine Colorimetric Method for Determination of Wheat Phytic Acid Content 双吡啶分光光度法测定小麦植酸含量研究
Biological and agronomical characteristics of four homozygous lines derived from low phytic acid mutation and ferritin transgene 4份低植酸铁蛋白转基因水稻花培系的生物学特征观察
Genetic Analysis and QTL Mapping of the Contents for Phytic Acid in Rice Grain 水稻籽粒植酸含量性状的遗传及QTL分析
Studying Experimentally Effect of Processing Parameters on Performance of Phytic Acid Conversion Coating for Improving Corrosion Resistance of Magnesium AZ91D镁合金表面植酸转化膜的正交实验优化研究处理工艺对纯镁表面植酸转化膜性能的影响
In the soybean includes the anti-nutrition factor including the proteinase inhibiting factor, the antigen protein, the agglutinin, the phytic acid and so on. 大豆中含有抗营养因子,包括蛋白酶抑制因子、抗原蛋白、凝集素、植酸等。
Study on the Properties and the Application of the Phytic acid to Dispose Cane Juice 植酸在蔗汁提纯分离中的特性及其应用研究
Furthermore, this preparation method had repeatability, which could optimize the deep utilization process of grains and oils, and promoted the quality of phytic acid. 色泽透明清亮,对优化粮油深加工的流程,提高产品质量有积极意义。
Optimization of extraction technology of phytic acid from cottonseed meal by response surface method 响应曲面法优化棉籽粕中植酸的提取
Extraction and Determination of Phytic Acid in the Rice Bran and Bean Pulp 米糠和豆粕中植酸的提取及含量的测定
In recent years, although the industry should see phytic acid due to the international market demands grow, but the next largest market outside the United States, Europe and Japan, while in China. 近几年,应该看到植酸提取产业虽然因国际市场需求而发展壮大,但未来最大的市场不在美国、欧洲和日本,而在中国。
Effects of different cultivation methods and nitrogen application on grain phytic acid contents and nutritional quality for japonica rice 不同栽培方式和施氮量对稻米营养品质及植酸积累的影响
Environmental Variation of Rice Phytic Acid Content and its Relation to Rice Mineral Elements 水稻籽粒植酸含量的环境变异及其与矿质元素间关系
Dynamic changes of phytic acid and other related chemicals in barley grains 大麦籽粒植酸及其他相关化学组分的动态变化
Studies on the Change Characters of Grain Phytic Acid, Total Phosphorus, Protein and Minerals Contents in Two Oat Varieties under different Irrigation Conditions 不同灌溉条件下燕麦籽粒植酸、总磷、蛋白质及矿质元素含量变化特征研究
Effects of dietary phytic acid on the growth and digestive enzyme activities of Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus 植酸对牙鲆生长和消化酶活性的影响
The Relationship between Phosphorus Distribution and Phytic Acid Phosphorus Accumulation of Different Maize Varieties 不同基因型玉米磷素分配与植酸磷积累关系的研究
The corrosion inhibition study of phytic acid on different copper surface by electrochemistry 植酸在铜基表面缓蚀性能电化学研究
Phytic Acid Content in Different Parts of Grain and Its Correlation with Rice Quality Traits 水稻籽粒不同部位植酸含量及其与稻米品质的相关性
Molecular structure of phytic acid in twelve hydroxyl, six phosphate. 植酸分子结构中有十二个羟基,六个磷酸基。
Phytic acid was extracted directly from rapeseed meal by means of deposit solvent. 本文研究了沉淀剂法直接从菜籽饼粕中提取植酸。
Relationship between Nutrients Metabolism and Phytic Acid Content of Poultry Fed Diets Added Pyhtase; A Study on the Effect of Phytase on Duck's Performance 添加植酸酶的家禽日粮植酸水平与营养物质代谢关系研究植酸酶对肉鸭生产性能及钙磷代谢的影响
There are some nutritional factors and antinutritional factors in soy, nutritional factors include soy phospholipid and soy isoflavone, antinutritional factors include trypsin inhibitors, antigenic protein, lectins and phytic acid, soy oligosaccharides and soy saponins have nutritional and antinutritional effects. 摘要大豆中含有抗营养因子和营养因子,营养因子包括大豆磷脂、大豆异黄酮等,抗营养因子包括蛋白酶抑制因子、抗原蛋白、凝集素、植酸等,大豆低聚糖和皂甙具有营养和抗营养双重作用。
Effects of Phosphorus Fertilization on Phosphorus Distribution and Phytic Acid Phosphorus accumulation of Two Maize Varieties 不同磷水平下2个玉米品种磷素分配与植酸磷积累的研究
Study on phytic acid in the control of fruit v_c losses beating 植酸对控制水果打浆中VC损失的研究
Identification of Maize Low Phytic Acid Inbred Lines and Study of Its Genetics 低植酸玉米自交系的筛选及遗传研究
QTL Mapping and Epistasis Analysis for Phytic Acid Concentration in Rice Grain by Using the Bayesian Model Selection 利用贝叶斯法进行水稻籽粒植酸含量性状的QTL定位及互作分析
In order to improve the nutritional value of brown rice, phytic acid, an anti-nutrition factor in brown rice, was degraded through hydrolysis with exogenous enzymes. 利用外源酶制剂降解糙米中的抗营养因子植酸,以提高糙米营养价值。
The inhibition effect of phytic acid as the inhibitor of α amylase is also studied. 并对植酸作为α淀粉酶抑制剂的抑制效果进行了研究。